Solar Harmonic Spectrum Protocols

The theory and practice of tuning forks in Sound Therapy is explained and demonstrated in my video Sound Healing With Tuning Forks and in my book Music And Sound In The Healing Arts. Below are the protocols for the Solar Harmonic Spectrum. Instructions: Cross the tuning forks on each interval of the mediation. For example if C is held in the left ear and G in the right ear then on the next tap hold C in the right ear and F in the left ear. The crossing pattern continues throughout the meditation. If you want to extend the meditation then cross each interval i.e., C in the left ear and G in the right ear then C in the right ear and G in the left ear. Meditation #1: General Balance and Wellbeing 5th C G 4th C F 6th C A 5th C G 5th C G Meditation #2: Motivation 5th C G 3rd C E 6th C A 5th C G 3rd C E Mediation #3: Creativity 5th C G 7th C B 2nd C D 6th C A 5th C G Meditation #4: Spiritual Awakening Unison C128 C128 (or hum low drone tone) 6th C A 6th C A Octave C C512 Meditation #5: General Element Balancing Unison C128 C128 (or hum low drone tone) 2nd C D 7th C B 3rd C E 6th C A 4th C F 5th C G Octave C C512 Mediation #6: Grounding and Earth Balance Unison C128 C128 (or hum low drone tone) 4th C F 4th C F Unison C128 C128 Mediation #7: Water Balance 6th C A 7th C B 2nd C D 5th C G Mediation #8: Fire Balance 3rd C E 6th C A 2nd C G 5th C A Mediation #9: Air Balance 5th C G 4th C F 3rd C E 5th C F Mediation #10: Ether Balance 5th C G Octave C C512 5th C G Octave C C512 Basic Element / Interval Relationships
Element Quality Interval Color
Ether C – C512 Blue
Earth C & C* Red
Air Stimulating and Rising C-G Blue Green
Air Calming and Decending C-F Blue
Fire Stimulating and Rising C-A Yellow Orange
Fire Calming and Descending C-E Yellow
Water Stimulating and Rising C-B Red Orange
Water Calming and Descending C-D Orange
* Usually two 128 Ottos or low drone humming.    

Pythagorean Music of the Spheres Relationships

Circle of the Zodiac

C – C512


C – G


C – F


C – D


D – F


C – E


C – A


D – B


C – B

  Match Letters to make planetary intervals. Note: Unless indicated all C’s refer to C(256).