When you tap your tuning fork with the gem foot you select on it, you are conducting the sound of the tuning fork through the stone, picking up the qualities of that stone. Sound amplifies the healing effects of the gem it vibrates through, thus transmitting those qualities, and amplifying their healing effects.
Gem Foot- “Green Aventurine” (15mm)
We recommend placing your 15mm Green Aventurine gem foot on your Biosonic Otto 128 tuning fork.
It comes with a little Alan wrench and is easy to fit over the stem of the tuning fork and screw right on. This makes the gem feet interchangeable , you can switch them and use different ones. (put link in here)
is a “lucky stone” it brings calmness and peace to the heart. It is good for soothing quick tempers, calms nervousness, anger. releasing attachment to specific outcomes.
Symbolizes joy, hope.
It is good for releasing old patterns, so the new can come in.
Opportunity , wealth, and abundance are attracted to this beautiful stone.
Also said to be good in neutralizingt electro-magnetic fields, cell phones, pollution
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