Played with specially designed Peruvian Whistling Vessels, Spirit Whistles provides a highly unique and spiritual listening experience. Performed by Dr. John Beaulieu, this CD helps “tune up” the body and spirit with the musical overtones series, increase cranial movement that directly effects your center for metabolism and increases your blood flow, and enhances your range of perception leading to greater levels of creativity, health and well-being. This musical, sound healing CD is a musical journey intended to raise your consciousness and use as a tool for consciousness exploration.
Benefits: Helps “tune up” the body and spirit Increases cranial movement Increases your blood flow Enhances your range of perception Greater levels of creativity, health and well-being Consciousness exploration Please note: This album should not be used while driving due to the altered states of consciousness that arise from listening. The compositions of Spirit Whistles are played with specially designed whistles tuned to a progression of tones called the overtone series. In musical terms overtones are a series of tones starting from a fundamental tone and ascending infinitely in pitch. When overtones are sounded they create thousands of pulsations within pulsations and the listener is sonically massaged by an ever-changing environment of sound waves.
The pulsating quality of upper overtones resonates our cranium like the sounding board of a piano. This resonance unwinds our cranial sutures and allows increased cranial bone movement, creating a deep internal resonance in our intradural cranial membranes. When we listen to the overtones a cascade of structural and physiological events occur in our body. The sound waves spread through our brain causing millions of neural synaptic junctions to seek out resonance with the different intervallic overtone relationships. When we listen to the overtones it is common for us to experience increased inner heat in our bodies. When investigating the high-pitched overtone sounds of Peruvian Whistling Vessels physiologists at the Franklyn Institute in Germany reported definitive bodily changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and basal metabolism.
These changes can be explained due to increased cranial movement that directly affects our centers of metabolism and increases our blood flow. Spirit Whistles covers a broad range of frequencies attuned to the spiritual qualities of different overtones. By listening to these frequencies and their relationships with other frequencies we can increase and enhance our range of perceptions. This will lead to greater levels of creativity, health and well-being. This accompanying booklet explains this information in detail (right click and “save as” to download). John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D
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This accompanying Spirit Whistles Guidebook explains this information in detail (right click and “save as” to download). John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D