Biosonic Harmonics (On Line Zoom)

With Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.

June 8 - 9, 2024

Biosonic Harmonics and The Stairway To Heaven

with Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.

Biosonic Harmonics is a hybrid class that can be attended on Zoom or in person at Dr. John Beaulieu’s Stone Ridge NY studio. This is the Zoom class enrollment. All students will receive a recording of the class and handouts.

Saturday June 8th:  10:30 AM -1 PM EST and  3 PM – 5:30 PM EST

Saturday June 8th: 7:30 PM EST Concert

Sunday June 9th:  10 AM -1 PM EST and  2:30 PM – 5 PM EST

    • Biosonic Harmonics will present the fundamental teachings of Dr. John Beaulieu’s Biosonic approach to sound healing and the importance of overtones in healing and consciousness. Harmonics are an ascending sequence of tones, called overtones, created by the sounding of Biosonic tuning forks, crystal bowls, metal bowls, gongs, overtone chanting, and all musical instruments both ancient and modern. Biosonic Harmonics is for beginning through advanced students of sound healing and those wanting to integrate sound healing with their professional practices. Students will learn basic sound healing principles through an intuitive understanding of harmonics and their relationship to mind, body, and consciousness. We will practice special protocols based on harmonics that allow us to relax our rational mind and immerse ourselves in different harmonic experiences for healing and expansion of consciousness. The lessons we learn from understanding mind body harmonics through listening to overtones are universal and can be applied to all sound healing modalities and instruments.                                                  

      Each tuning fork sounds an overtone that is created by sounding a Biosonic C256 Hz tuning fork. Each overtone and combination of overtones are bands of frequencies that resonant with different areas of our mind, emotions, and bodies. When we listen to overtones, a cascade of structural and physiological events occur in our body. The sound waves spread through our brain causing millions of neural synaptic junctions to seek out resonance with the different intervallic overtone relationships.

    • In ancient sound traditions ascending harmonics were called the Stairway to Heaven and Jacob’s Ladder was visualized as a spiral staircase around a vortex leading to heaven. The Russian composer, Alexander Scriabin, in the early 1900’s believed that sounding harmonics would bring forth a new era and unite Heaven and Earth. Scriabin visualized himself sitting on earth listening to the overtone voices of Devas, or Spirit Angels, that would bring forth a new era of enlightenment.
    • Class topics will include:

      The Harmonics of Crystal and Angel Tuners™

      Harmonic Energy Field Evaluation using Biosonic Bodytuners™

      Creative harmonic sound experiences with tuning forks and ancient instruments.

      Harmonics as mystical gateways into alternate realities.

      The history of harmonics in ancient and modern spiritual traditions if all cultures.

      Intuitive harmonic theory applied to sound healing and the body.

      Special Presentation by Thomas Workman who will present his array of ancient musical instruments from around the world to include overtone flutes, shell horns, nose flutes, didgeridoos, and special stringed instruments from Africa and Brazil used to alter consciousness


Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.
Dr. JOHN BEAULIEU, N.D., Ph.D. is a composer, musician, psychologist, and board certified naturopathic physician exploring multiple mediums of creative expression to tune the world. He is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., the author of Human Tuning, Sound Healing and Values Visualization, numerous research papers of sound healing and tuning…
Learn more about Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.