Trance Talks includes Dream Dolphins, Finding Your Life Partner, and Making New Directions. Each talk is designed to be listened to in part or your can listen to the whole tape.I give Dream Dolphin talks in all my Human TuneIn™ tuning fork concerts and Finding Your Life partner was composed to help my patients. Enjoy! […]
Avian Mermaid Dreams is performed by John Beaulieu, Thomas Workman, and Peter Wetzler in John Beaulieu’s outdoor teaching and performance space on a warm summers night in the middle of the country surrounded by nature. Besides those in attendance there were hundreds of wild birds and only fifty feet away a llama and alpaca grazing. […]
When I am writing, composing, or thinking about sound and music the classical composers I grew up playing are my friends. Through their music they are alive and have been with me my whole life. Every morning I wake up and play different composers who come to me in my dreams. Five years ago a group […]
The Art of Hypnosis is posted for those students registered for Sound Healing and Hypnosis June 22nd – 24th in Stone Ridge NY with Dr. John Beaulieu (see workshop schedule). A password is required to watch or you can go to the counseling video download section of and purchase is for $9.95. http:// TheArtOfTrance […]
Orgone Music composed by John Beaulieu and dedicated to Wilhelm Reich. Orgone Quartet is dedicated to Michael Knapp. John Beaulieu: Piano, Silvia Nakkach: Voice, Rachel Maloney: Violin, Chris Turner: Harmonica & Flute Recorded May 2013 Nevesa Studios Woodstock NY. http:// Orgone Quartet from John Beaulieu on Vimeo.
ORGONE CRYSTAL DREAMS CONCERT John Beaulieu In memory of Jackson MacLow and Franz Kamin who continue to inspire Program Notes February 25, 2012 The SAGE Foundation Presents at Photosensualis Gallery Woodstock, New York I don’t think we’re really interested in the validity of compositions any more. We’re interested in the experiences of things. (John Cage, […]
Orgone Crystal Dream Concert “The Music of John Beaulieu” Woodstock NY 2013. John Beaulieu: Piano, George Quasha: Dakini Drawings, Peter Wetzler: Piano, Philippe Garnier: Crystal Bowls, Thea Keats Beaulieu: Dance. See Orgone Crystal Dream Concert Program Notes in Article Section. http:// OrgoneCrystalDreamsConcert from John Beaulieu on Vimeo.
John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.and David Perez-Martinez, M.D. Hearing, listening and making sounds and music, are integral parts of healthy living, functioning, and development. Sound is an integral part of the mechanisms necessary for reducing stress and restoring the body to balance. Sound healing, when integrated with mindfulness and breathing practices, is the quickest and most effective […]
Performance March 2012 Sivananda Ashram Paradise Island Bahamas with Val Surrant Percussion, Silvia Nakkach Voice and Harmonium, John Beaulieu Harmonica, Michael Knapp Cello. tt/ BahamasPerformance from John Beaulieu on Vimeo.